Erin and Daniel’s urban adventures
Jelger and I have known Erin and Daniel for a long time! We met Erin in The Netherlands before we moved to Vancouver. She’s a world traveler with a fondness of Germany and everything Europe; not to mention that she always comes back with the most amazing shoes. As for Daniel, he’s seen his fair share of the world too: living 3 months in Hungary is the ultimate proof of not being afraid to try something different. 😉
When talking about what they’d like to do for their photo shoot, it quickly came up that they both love books, hanging out in coffee shops, as well going to Stanley Park. Our day started in the Vancouver Library, more adventurous than we anticipated. We almost got thrown out by security, but managed to stay thanks to the friendly staff on the condition that we didn’t photograph (or bother) any innocent library customers. Which seemed easy until Daniel cracked some jokes forcing Erin to use all her powers not to squeak.
Next stop: Trees Coffee in Gastown, an excellent choice, not in the least because of the mouthwatering cheesecakes… Daniel and Erin’s love for coffee is right up Jelger’s alley. (I’m not complaining, I drink the best coffee at home. 😉 )
The day of the photo shoot was not your average day in Vancouver, by the way. Because of many forest fires in BC the entire city looked like an instagram filter, because of a thick layer of smoke, as if covered by an instagram filter. We joked about them choosing “the apocalypse” as a theme for their shoot, but no zombies appeared (except for the herds of tourists gathered around the Steam Clock in Gastown).
For our final destination (no pun intended), Stanley Park, Daniel and Erin had planned a little picnic. It didn’t last long, because of an attack by a thousand fruit flies claiming the fruit salad. Daniel ditched the fruit and grabbed his camera to take photos of Erin. I’m excited to see the negatives when they’re developed.
Erin and Daniel, thanks again for the great times! We loved Daniel’s fun video work during the shoot and seeing ourselves at work afterwards! Check it out right here.