What happened in Vegas…

We had no idea what to expect from our trip to Vegas. The different stories about WPPI (a huge photography convention for wedding and portrait photographers) had one thing in common: you have to go!
I could start talking about the famous photographers we listened to, the newest gear we purchased, the latest trends in photography land and the fun parties we went to (Jelger lifted karaoke to a whole new level), but let’s be honest: who cares!
*The photographs in this post are from a previous roadtrip. Can you believe we didn’t have time for photographs?!A trip is never “just a trip” for us, even when we try! We had our usual deep conversations and tear shedding which led us to new perspectives and those I’d like to share with you.Despite trying to live open-minded we sometimes fall into thought patterns that distract us from expanding our horizon. Too easily we hunker down in our work cave (home office) and forget about the outside world. And there is but one remedy.
Take time to consciously explore your environment and look at things from a different perspective.

Something else we noticed is how easy it is to hang around with the same crowd (which I love! don’t get me wrong!). But every new person you meet is a chance to learn new insights and think differently. It is scary to get out of your comfort zone and talk to a stranger, but hey, what’s the worst that can happen! So go ahead:
Challenge your status quo and talk to that stranger!

Since we got back from Vegas we’re actively persuing these goals. Is it hard? Yes. Is it worth it? Hell yeah! 😉
How about you? Do you leave your house and talk to strangers?

Ps: we did have time for one photo on our trip 🙂