Hanne and Niels’ couple shoot at Sundance Guest Ranch, Ashcroft, BC

We believe in starting over in a foreign country with your partner at least once. Words that we stand by because they define us. They’ve brought us to Vancouver, and made us to who we are. So whenever we meet a couple that shares this philosophy, we get excited. Extremely excited!
Introducing Hanne and Niels. Fellow Belgians, and a brave duo.
Two years ago, they embarked on a one-year journey that’d take them around the world. Once back home, they tried to pick up their old lives, but something felt off. It didn’t feel right anymore. A nagging voice, that kept telling them there’s more out there. On their journey they’d experienced how amazing the world can be, if you go out and explore it. At that point, they knew going back wasn’t option anymore. And when you can’t go back, there’s only one way to go: forward. So they did.
On a whim they decided to move to Canada. Vancouver Island to be exact. One small detail: they had never been in all of North America at that point. Ever. Hearing about it in our first Skype call, I got instant goose bumps. These two were brave…
Flash forward a couple of months. They were here. In Vancouver. Ready to start their new adventure. Tanja and I picked them up from the airport, and gave them a quick tour through the city. A couple of days later they headed to a tiny town in the interior of British Columbia, Ashcroft, home of the Sundance Guest Ranch. For four weeks, they’d volunteer as staff members in return for accommodation and daily horse rides (not to mention countless country-style parties).
When they pitched that we should visit them, I didn’t have to think long. And luck would have it, the owner of the ranch threw in some horse rides too! A free three-day Western style adventure, including horseback riding? Yes, please! Hell, we didn’t even know Canada had its very own Wild West. A week later, we were riding our horses over the dusty hills, looking out over endless prairies. All I could hear, was the whistling of the wind in the endless sage brushes. I hadn’t felt this alive in a long time.
Hanne and Niels, thank you for the amazing experience. We needed it. Sometimes you just need to jump in the car, and head out on an impromptu road trip.
We wish you all the best on your future ventures!

Love this! We enjoyed their company for a few weeks in the Cowichan at our farm. Fresh Start Edibles @ Affinity Farm.
David, they told us! We almost invited ourselfs to your place too! 😉