Elopement in Stanley Park

Elopement in Stanley Park: Roya + Karim

Roya and Karim recently celebrated their intimate elopement in Stanley Park. When we first met them, they told us about their thorough search for the ideal forest. They were dreaming of narrow pine trees and saturated greens. With its typical West Coast forests, the greater Vancouver area is of course an outstanding region for their preference. But narrowing it down proved a little more challenging. After considering the North shore mountains, they finally discovered they barely had to go farther than their own backyard: downtown Vancouver’s very own Stanley Park. But I have to back up a bit, because these two have quite the story!

After their recent move from Beirut they were getting acclimatized to their new life Vancouver life. In case you haven’t moved countries (or even between provinces), it takes a lot of courage, and a lot of figuring out. I remember when Jelger and I moved from Belgium to Canada (now well over 6 years ago) HOW MUCH we struggled. All of a sudden, the easiest every-day actions like grocery shopping become a true adventure.

But throughout these challenges, one thing Roya and Karim knew with absolute certainty was that they wanted to get married in true West Coast style. Bring on the forests of evergreens! The spontaneous duo picket their wedding date 3 days beforehand, when the weather forecast was beneficial. I truly loved Roya’s phone call, which started with: “the weather is nice this weekend, are you free to photograph our wedding?”. You can guess what our answer was 🙂

On the day of the wedding, we helped the two of them pick the perfect location. After a short scout along Stanley Park’s Lover’s trail (how appropriate!) we found the most magical setting. Roya and Karim said their I do’s to the tunes of their favourite piano song. And Jelger and I had the honour of being their witnesses. <3 It always feels extra special when that happens! We were photographers, witnesses and only guests at the same time 🙂

After their beautiful, intimate wedding ceremony, we had the best time walking through the park and finding fun little spots for their wedding portraits, while sharing laughter and stories.

Roya and Karim, thanks so much for trusting us with your vision. And for giving us the honour to be a part of your elopement!


Elopement in Stanley Park

Jelger and I love photographing elopements! Lake-side, waterfall, big rocks, ocean pebble beach, rain forest… you name it, because Vancouver has it all. Get in touch with us about your plans and we can give you some recommendations!

For more info about Vancouver wedding park permits, check out this website!